Best Rates Guarantee

We guarantee that by booking directly with Parion Opus you are getting the lowest possible price for your stay. In the rare case that you find your rooms online at a lower rate, we would be glad to match that rate, if you contact us within 24 hours of placing your reservation.
Please note: The lower price must be bookable online and must be still available when we check, provided that there is a perfect match on the:
Room type, Check-in and check-out dates, Booking conditions (advance purchase, non-refundable etc.)
Our best price guarantee policy excludes sites which sell rooms through or in combination with: Special membership rates, Frequent stay programs, Loyalty programs, Other "reward" type of programs, Special coupon / voucher code-based membership programs and/or seasonal or last-minute flash sales promotions, Holiday Packages

Best Hotel Information

Our website has the most comprehensive information for all you need to know about our property.
Parion Opus Paros
Naoussa, Paros, Greece, 84401
T. +30 22840 51610 / +30 22840 51759
M. +30 6974076313
E. info@parionopus.com

MHTE: 1193236
© 2024 Parion Opus Paros. All rights reserved.